Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Now Then Digital or is committed to providing general information for our website users, in good faith. However, we do not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the information provided.

As a result, any action you take as a result of information on our website is at your own risk.


Now Then Digital is not liable for any losses or damages incurred through the use of our website.

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We may provide hyperlinks to external websites, which we aim to be high-quality and ethical. However, we do not have control over their content or nature, and we cannot guarantee that all content is recommended. As a result, we are not responsible for any harm or damages caused by visiting these external sites.

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When visiting external websites, please be aware that their privacy policies and terms of service may differ from ours. Before doing any business or posting any information, please read the privacy policies and terms of service of those sites.

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By using our website, you consent to our disclaimer and agree to its conditions. We reserve the right to update, alter or edit this document in any way, and any changes will be prominently displayed on our website.


If you require any additional information or have any queries about our disclaimer, please contact us via the email address provided below.


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