If you’ve ever felt nausea after eating eggs, you’re not alone. In fact, many people have a problem with this particular food, but there are several possible causes.
KAMPALA | NOW THEN DIGITAL — Are you experiencing nausea after eating eggs? If so, you are not alone. Eggs are often blamed for a range of ailments, including gallbladder disease and slowed stomach emptying.
- Some people have food allergies or are simply intolerant to egg whites or egg yolks. Others are allergic to both.
- Other causes of nausea after eating eggs include poor digestion or gallbladder problems. Regardless of the cause, avoiding eggs is a great way to prevent and even prevent nausea after eating eggs.
- Egg whites are less likely to contain the allergenic protein, so many people with this issue can safely consume them after a stomach virus. Eggs should be cooked lightly, as the yolk contains more fat than the white.
- However, if you suffer from extreme gastric problems, avoiding eggs entirely may help alleviate the symptoms. Hard-boiled eggs also have a higher protein content than their soft-boiled counterparts.
- Please read this article as well: What causes nausea after eating?
Whether you’re allergic to eggs or simply suspecting an ingredient in a recipe, there are ways to identify the cause of nausea.
However, if you feel nauseated after eating eggs, it may be a sign that something else is causing your condition.
Symptoms of egg intolerance
If you find that you suffer from the unpleasant symptoms of egg intolerance, you may want to consider seeing a dietitian.
Your doctor can recommend a food elimination diet or prescribe certain supplements if you suspect an egg intolerance.
The elimination diet can be extremely helpful for addressing the symptoms of egg intolerance, and can even be a good idea if you are on a special diet.
While the symptoms of egg intolerance may seem like those of an allergy, they are actually caused by a defect in the digestive system.
In most cases, the small intestine produces enzymes that break down eggs, but for some people, this enzyme is not produced properly. This causes unpleasant digestive symptoms, such as cramping and pain.
People who cannot digest eggs may also experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, and/or vomiting.
If you experience stomach pain, bloating, diarrhoea, and other symptoms after eating eggs, you may be experiencing an egg intolerance.
Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate the symptoms of an egg intolerance and keep them from disrupting your daily life.
Avoiding eggs altogether and reading labels carefully are two great ways to avoid provoking these symptoms. If you still cannot avoid eggs, consider substituting another food or eating fewer eggs in your diet.
In case of a severe allergic reaction, treatment should be sought as soon as possible. If the symptoms are not resolved by a few days, an elimination diet may help.
If the symptoms persist, a physician can prescribe an appropriate medication. In some severe cases, allergy tests may be indicated.
The cause of the reaction may also be a genetic or environmental factor. Some individuals may experience nausea and vomiting after eating eggs due to an intolerance to egg whites or egg yolks.
Other causes of egg intolerance include food poisoning, a toxic reaction to eggs, or an enzyme deficiency.
If you’re feeling nauseous after eating eggs, there are a number of possible causes. These include food poisoning and allergies.
However, if you’ve had one of these foods before, the nausea might not be due to an allergy, and could be a result of another condition.
Eggs are a great source of antioxidants, vitamins D and B12, protein, and molybdenum, which are all beneficial nutrients.
If you’ve been told that your egg allergy is triggered by one type of food, you can undergo a blood test for food sensitivity.
The doctor will administer a liquid containing eggs to your forearm and poke the skin with a probe. If you have a reaction, red bumps will appear.
If the reaction is severe enough, your doctor will likely suggest excluding eggs from your diet, or ask you to do a DNA test to test for egg protein antibodies.
But these tests are controversial, and sometimes they don’t work.
Symptoms of anaphylaxis
If you or a child you know has an allergy to eggs, carrying an epinephrine auto-injector with you is vital.
Having epinephrine with you will allow you to administer the medication quickly, as the symptoms of anaphylaxis are often mild at first but can progress to more serious reactions if not treated quickly.
You should seek medical care if you suspect your child may be having an allergic reaction.
The symptoms of anaphylaxis are usually sudden and will involve two or more body systems.
They include difficulty breathing, a drop in blood pressure, and dizziness or light-headedness. If the reaction lasts for four to six hours, you should seek medical assistance immediately.
Your doctor may prescribe an auto-injector if your child has symptoms within this time frame.
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